How to Join Us
As you seek to answer God’s call for you, we encourage you to take a closer look at what the process of becoming a Trinitarian entails. After a period of discernment, solemn vows are taken prior to the total gift of self through final profession. Brothers who have discerned a vocation to priesthood will be ordained after a period of preparation.
The Postulancy is an introduction to the Trinitarian way of life. It is an opportunity for the candidate to experience Trinitarian life as it is lived and to undertake studies in philosophy or theology. It is also a time of discernment when both the community and the candidate determine whether the candidate has a vocation to the Trinitarians. The period of postulancy normally lasts one year, but in some cases may be extended to a second year, depending upon the readiness of the individual.

The Novitiate introduces the Trinitarian novice to the religious life where he may experience with us the call to conversion, simplicity, faith, and love. The purpose of this year is two-fold. First, it enables the novice to embrace the following of Jesus Christ through living the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the particular spirit of our Trinitarian Order. Second, it prepares the novice to make a decision in faith about the future direction of his life.
Receiving the habit of the Order, the novice is introduced more intensely to our Rule of Life and the history and traditions of the Trinitarian Order. It is in living a life of faith in prayer, community, and ministry that the novice discovers the value and meaning of the vows and the particular spirit of our Order. This life experience raises the questions and provides the challenges that make it possible for the novice, through prayer and the support of others, to make a decision about his vocation. At the completion of the novitiate year, novices profess temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience as a Trinitarian.

Post-novitiate formation prepares the student brother for solemn vows in the Trinitarian Order and prepares him for ministry as a priest or brother. During this time, students grow into a mature relationship with God through prayer and living God's word in a contemplative fraternity in the midst of God's people. He continues to become incorporated into the Order, growing in identification with it. He is prepared academically and equipped practically for ministry.

All candidates for solemn profession engage in one year of preparation. Approximately six months are spent in a mission experience either in the United States or in one of our communities around the world. The second half of the year is spent at our 400-year-old monastery in Rome living, praying, and studying with Trinitarian seminarians from around the world who are also preparing for solemn profession. The brothers experience fraternity with brothers from the countries in which the Order is present, enjoy visiting the historical sites in and around Rome, and participate in Papal Masses.

Solemn profession is a complete and definitive choice and consecration, a radical commitment conditioning every dimension of the life of the religious. Whoever makes solemn profession makes a total offering of himself through the Church to God, the Trinity, and our Order. Solemn profession presupposes a prolonged preparation and a persevering apprenticeship. This justifies the Church's requirement that it be preceded by a period of temporary profession. Following solemn profession, our cleric candidates may be ordained as deacons and priests. The Trinitarian community encourages its members to engage in life-long formation.

After solemn profession, those brothers who have discerned a vocation to priestly ministry complete their preparation for ordination to the diaconate, and after six or more months of ministry as a deacon, request ordination to the priesthood. The majority of our members serve God, the Order, and the Church as priests.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly or via the form above. We will be happy to walk with you on your journey of discernment.
E-mail: vocations@trinitarians.org