“Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10
Over eight hundred years ago, our founder, St. John de Matha heard God’s call to serve those who were persecuted because of their faith and those who were suffering the hardships of the human condition. Today, you will find Trinitarian priests and brothers living and praying in community, ministering in parishes, hospitals, schools, and missions throughout the world.
As you seek to answer God’s call for you, we invite you to explore the information found in this website about the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives.
You can contact our Vocation Office Directly:
E-mail: vocations@trinitarians.org
Mail: Vocation Director
P.O. Box 1828 | Sykesville, MD 21784
Phone: 410-486-5171
Prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist are central to the life of each Trinitarian community. Together with God’s grace, it is in community that we receive the strength and support needed to face everyday challenges and reveal God’s presence to those we serve.
Today most of our brothers live in small communities which provide for their spiritual and material needs. Recognizing the unique gifts each brother has received from God, the community assists its members in choosing an appropriate ministry in keeping with St. John de Matha’s vision of mercy and redemption.

All Christians are called to closely follow Christ. Our vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience form the foundational element that frees us to pursue our ministries and develop a deeper relationship with God. As brothers in religious vows, we form a collective force for change in a world that cries for hope and redemption.
Hospitality has always been an important characteristic of our Trinitarian life. In our earliest hospices on the southern coast of France, we cared for the returning captives who were broken in body and spirit. Today, we care for their contemporary counterparts who are held in bondage by the ills of modern society. We strive to invite all we encounter into a closer relationship with our community and with God-Trinity who invites everyone into a relationship of love and generosity. We hope you can visit us to experience Trinitarian hospitality and community life.
In our prayer life Trinitarians seek to delve into a mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.
Our brothers participate in community prayers and liturgies as well as setting aside time for personal prayer, spiritual reading and meditation.
For most of us in religious life the first inclination toward a religious vocation began as a feeling. This feeling can manifest itself in many ways. It might be a strong feeling towards helping others, an attraction to belong to a community, a feeling that something essential is lacking in your life, or even a cherished childhood memory of a particular priest or religious you admired. Perhaps these feelings are an indication that you are being called to serve God in a special way.

If you decide to explore these feelings, the Vocation Director of the Trinitarians will do his best to help you discern what God is calling you to do. Through our on-going conversation—be it through e-mail, telephone calls, or in letters—you will come to know the Trinitarians better and our Vocation Director will be able to assist you in the discernment process.
Occasionally this process leads to an invitation to visit one of our communities. Other times our Vocation Director may invite you to meet with him while he is traveling in your area. These are opportunities to deepen your relationship with the Trinitarian community.
After prayer and reflection on all that you have experienced, and with the recommendation of the Vocation Director, you may wish to apply for entrance to our postulancy program.