In our world, people and nations suffer oppression because of new and old forms of slavery, and they are wounded in the fundamental values of faith and justice. The Trinitarians, together with the Trinitarian Family, choose to heed the yearning for liberation and the cry of hope. We offer a service of mercy and redemption to the oppressed of our society and, in a special way, to the persecuted and those who are discriminated against because of their religious faith, their fidelity to their conscience, or their adherence to the values of the gospel.
True to our redemptive mission, the Trinitarians wish to be an epiphany of Christ the Redeemer among people today, credible witnesses through whom God works and reveals his merciful and redemptive love.

Glory to you O Trinity and liberty to the captives
(Gloria Tibi Trinitas et captivis libertas) is the motto always present in the heart of every Trinitarian
Our Ministries
The Order of the Most Holy Trinity is dedicated to the following of Christ Jesus through a ministry of redemptive love and its service to the faith, for the glory of God, One and Three.
Learn More about Our Ministries Below
Concern for human dignity and justice has been central to the Trinitarian community since its founding. More than 800 years later, the Trinitarians remain committed to responding to injustices and modern forms of human bondage that oppress our sisters and brothers.
In the United States, many of our brothers are ministering to newly arrived immigrants, mostly from Latin America, seeking economic opportunity. Our brothers are dedicated to working with them to fulfill the mission of the Church to welcome the stranger in our midst.

Our brothers in India are working to overcome economic barriers preventing women from achieving financial independence. The Trinitarians operate the Anna Maria Taigi Tailoring School which provides women with skills in the marketplace. We also provide them with loans to fund new small businesses.
In our ministry at DeMatha Catholic High School and the elementary schools associated with our parishes, the Trinitarians foster a respect for the dignity of each human person. Our students are encouraged to participate in our ongoing mission to those in need of Christ’s redeeming love through service projects.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19
DeMatha Catholic High School
Hyattsville, Maryland
DeMatha Catholic High School was established in September 1946 by members of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity to educate young men pursuing a vocation as a Trinitarian priest or brother. Soon after its establishment, local parents asked the Trinitarians to allow their sons to enroll in the school. The Trinitarian priests and brothers enthusiastically accepted this challenge. Two students graduated from DeMatha Catholic High School in 1948. The first full class of 12 graduated in 1949.

DeMatha Catholic High School, an accredited four-year college preparatory high school, has graduated over 10,000 men since opening its doors in 1946. Twice named a “National School of Excellence” by the U.S. Department of Education, DeMatha’s reputation for excellence is rooted in its sound, forward-looking academic programs and accomplishments in music, athletics, service to the community, and co-curricular activities.
Currently, 850 young men from diverse economic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds attend the school. Our dedicated faculty and staff number over one hundred, including three Trinitarian priests. We continue to provide a quality Catholic education for young men seeking to cultivate a respect for other people which leads them to become “Faith-filled Gentlemen and Scholars.”

"To get wisdom is better than gold; to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver." Proverbs 16:16
Trinitarian priests minister in parishes throughout the United States. The Trinitarian charism is manifest uniquely in each parish setting. Our priests model Christ’s redemptive presence in activities as diverse as ministering to the poor and elderly, leading pilgrimages, counseling, and guiding youth groups.
In parish ministry, our primary goal is to assist those seeking to deepen their relationship with our Triune God.

Trinitarian priests minister in these parishes:
Florida: Holy Rosary-St. Richard, Miami
Maryland: St. Lawrence Martyr, Hanover
New Jersey: Incarnation-St. James, Trenton
The Philippines
In 2018, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Province of the Trinitarians established a new foundation in the Philippines.
Presently, we have one monastery which serves primarily as a formation house for Trinitarian seminarians. Our Trinitarian priests and seminarians give priority to serving the poor and those who are persecuted because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36